"Discipleship Training #10
The Promises of God"

Click on this link to hear Bill Bright's daily promise from God's Word.
Bill Bright of Campus Crusade for Christ
(Click on this picture to link to a daily promise from God)

Discipleship training Lesson #10-The Promises of God

This is an ongoing work in progress. While I am writing these articles on discipleship, I am actually doing these same things with other men on a regular basis. Spiritual reproduction is my goal with them. I want them to be able to teach these things to another man that God gives to them. That is the principle of disciplemaking in 2 Timothy 2:2. "And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses, entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others."

Visualize if you would that you are sitting across from me in a restaurant, and we are having an exciting conversation about making disciples.

I would suggest getting a three ring binder notebook for your new disciple, print all these pages as you work with your disciple, so that they may reproduce this in the life of another.

Leviticus 26:8 "And five of you shall chase an hundred, and an hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight: and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword."

Wow, what a promise from the Word of God! On June 15, 2002, God has given me this promise for what he is going to do in our ministry.

Let me explain how that happened and how it is possible.

Note on Mar 16, 2011. It has been almost ten years since I wrote this, and God is faithful. My web site is reaching many around the world for Christ. Yesterday a young lady called my cell phone and told me she had visited one of my testimony pages and asked Jesus into her heart. I have no way of knowing who else has responded, but one day in eternity, I know that I will be walking down the courts of heaven, and meet many of them. When I started this web site many years ago, I had no idea of the impact of the Internet on the world. Now with Twitter and Facebook and other social media, it is very possible to reach the world with your ministry.

As my site goes over 300,000 hits I marvel at the grace of God who can take an old rag like me and use me for His Work. Thank you Lord for forgiving me and keeping me on the right path.

Did you know there are over 600 promises in the Word of God that can become very personal to you. I have literally worn out several Bibles in my lifetime, by making notes and highlighting these promises. Most have been memorized and stand as a "resting place" for my faith in a God who delights to do the impossible.

I had memorized this verse over forty years ago in 1961. Scripture memory gives us "fodder" for God's ammunition to aim at our hearts, and encourage us with his promises. I had shared this with several men, and many of them were excited and some were not. I just asked God to give me one man who had a heart to make disciples. You know my friends, the ten thousand has to start with one. Are you that one?

Now to some folks who don't know what I am talking about, or who think that perhaps I have lost my marbles, this might seem rather strange to say that.

But believing in God and his promises, sometimes requires that we are honest with our world about it. If I have doubt that he can do this, and use our fellowship in our churches and in our personal lives to reach ten thousand people, then I would just keep my faith to myself, and "hide it under a bushel".

During 2012, you will see in the link below "Don't Click Here" that over 10,000 people have viewed my web site on how to become a Christian. Now in reality many of them just clicked on the site out of curiosity, but many of them stayed there and read the whole page. I can track those statistics with the site meter at the bottom of each of my pages. The most exciting click comes when I look at the "World Map" an click on the last 100 hits, and see people all over the world reading my web site. So if God can use an old sinner like me, he can use you also. Just trust him and give up to his leading in your life.

So explaining it further, my concept of the New Testament is that God delights to multiply his church, and he has chosen this as the way he builds his church. Unfortunately, many churches choose to work by addition, not multiplication. So as you read through my articles on discipleship, you will see that my driving force, is the same as Paul and Timothy, in 2 Timothy 2:2.

There are four generations mentioned here. Paul >>> Timothy >>> Faithful Men >>> and Others.

So you see it is not my plan, but God's.

So the writer of Leviticus, tucked way back in the Old Testament, even has this vision. I believe that if I concentrate on training five men, that these five men can reach 100, who in turn will reach those ten thousand men and women for Christ.

You will have to ask God to give you the hearts of five faithful people. He will do that one at a time. If He sees you doing a good job with that first one, then more will come. He delights in making you fruitful.

The devil does not want that to happen and he will triple his efforts to sidetrack you.

The first promise I claimed for myself, was 1 John 5:11, 12. I believed that way back on April 30, 1960. I had rededicated my life to the Lord at age 20, after wandering away from the Christian heritage, that my Mom and Dad has instilled within me, and I was shown this verse by another man who was helping me. Go look it up in your Bible, and claim it for yourself.

The next verse I learned to believe and claim for myself was 1 John 1:9. I learned early on how to deal with sin, and to confess it before God, and that God was indeed faithful to me, and allowed me to continue on.

So down through the years, God has given me his "great and precious promises" referred to in 2 Peter 1:4. I hope you will claim your own promises for yourself.

Many promises are universal, like the two mentioned above. But many are personal, meant for you and your family alone.

I could write for hours and tell you exciting stories about these promises. In a later lesson I will expand on the "Seven Promises of a Promisekeeper!"

It is wonderful to discover these promises for yourself, but through the efforts of others, and godly men like Dr. Charles Stanley, you can access most of these promises right on your computer.

Link to Claiming These Promises of God

Well good hunting my friend. Stay connected to God's Word!

Your friend,


Discipleship As A Lifestyle

Discipleship Training-Lesson #1-Recruiting

Discipleship Training-Lesson #2-Feeding a New Believer

Discipleship Training-Lesson #3-The Basics

Discipleship Training-Lesson #4-Prayer

Discipleship Training-Lesson #5-Daily Quiet Time

Discipleship Training-Lesson #6-The Eyegate and the Eargate

Table of Contents-Discipleship Training Lesson #7 and following.

I welcome your comments and criticism as I develop these pages. If you want my views on any particular subject please let me know. I have not "arrived" but am a fellow pilgrim just like you.
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