1. Write down on a piece of paper the names of someone you love you who might be like this young man in this story.
2. What are some practical things you can do to help this person. Write them down and set yourself a time limit on performing the action that you wrote down.
3. Sit down and get alone with the Lord, and ask Him to bring to remembrance those people who have made a difference in your life in the past. Determine to write each one of them a letter or phone them in the near future. Be sure and thank them for the positive influence they have had in your life. Ask them for specific prayer requests. Continue to follow up with them on a periodic basis for the rest of your life.
4. Perhaps you would want to give a blue ribbon to someone special in your life. Perhaps you would want to visit a local trophy store and have a special trophy made up for that person who has impacted your life. Perhaps just a simple Hallmark card several times a year could encourage that person to continue on in their excellence.
5. Especially remember your family members in this endeavor.
"A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver. Proverbs 25:11.
I welcome your comments and criticism as I develop these pages. If you want my views on any particular subject please let me know. I have not "arrived" but am a fellow pilgrim just like you.