Why spiritual reproduction does not work!
My friend, are you producing disciples for the Lord Jesus Christ?
If not?
Why not?
If you will read carefully over the verses above in Luke 16:10-12, perhaps we can discover together why our lives are so barren.
I was thinking about this concept today on April 1, 2003, and was wondering why there were times in my life when spiritual reproduction was the farthest thing from my mind. I was too busy on my everyday "list of things to do" and just did not take time to think about how to influence men and women for Jesus.
And then I listened to Dawson Trotman's tape, "Born to Reproduce" again. It is my practice to listen to this tape about once a month. I have done this for years.
Dawson Trotman, the founder of the Navigators, was converted at age 20, gave the remaining 30 years of his life to vigorous pursuit of the goal "to know Christ and to make him known." His passion was to win men to Christ and then to see them grow and reproduce themselves by winning others to Christ.You can order a copy of the booklet from the Navigator's web site if you like. Here is the link.