Dreams Can Come True!
Dreams begin with a purpose!

They take shape with a plan!

They come true with perseverance!

How could two customers generate $80,000 yearly income?

When you quit dreaming, you stop growing. By the time most people reach middle age, they have ceased to grow intellectually and spiritually.

If you disagree with that statement, ask ten people over the age of forty how many books they read last year. Ask yourself!

In the early 1970's, after spending 13 years in the U.S. Air Force, I began to dream about my future. Over the next few years, I had four dreams that I wanted to come true.

This is the story of how I am retired and living my dream of time freedom, and working on my fortune.

Dream #1 was to build a large drywall contracting business in Virginia. I had taught myself how to hang sheet rock upon leaving the Air Force. I was working for several of the large drywall contractors in my town.

My Purpose. It did not take me long to figure out, that I could "cut out the middle man", and go straight to the builder, and make more money. My only problem was that I did not know how to finish the sheet rock and get it ready for paint.

I remember that shortly after sharing my dream to become one of the large contractors in town, that several of the men on the job site laughed at me. One of them was a large drywall contractor, who said to me, "You'll never make it."

My Plan. I took a job in the local mall that was under constuction for $6.75 per hour, and learned how to finish sheet rock. They stuck me way up in the top of the mall, where my inexperience would not show. After everyone would leave in the evening, I would practice my skills in the back hallways. I asked a lot of questions and watched the experienced finishers, and eventually became skilled in that profession.

My Perseverance. My gross business in 1972 was $25,000 and it increases every year until 1985 when I grossed over one million dollars worth of business. I had purchased the tools and learned how to use them, and how to hire experienced folks to help me build the business.

My business plan was developed out of the book of Proverbs. You may read about that plan at this link.  The key verse was Proverbs 24:3,4. "Any enterprise is built by wise planning, becomes strong through common sense, and profits wonderfully by keeping abreast of the facts." (Living Bible Paraphrase)

I was not immune to 70 hour work weeks, and learned valuable lessons about quality control, and supervising men.

Dream #2 was to become a real estate investor.

My purpose. Use some of my drywall profits to purchase some investment real estate, and build my retirement income.

My plan. Purchase some of those real estate tapes on TV, and attend a couple of local seminars to learn how to do that. I put the tapes in the closet for two years, and was afraid to get started. Fear of the unknown slowed my progress and I had no one to help me learn how to do this.

My perseverance. Finally purchased by first investment property. It turned into a real nightmare, but it was a great learning experience. I finished the house and got it ready for sale, and it was set on fire by unknown persons, and I had to do it all over again. I eventally sold it and gained a nice profit.

I again learned how to use the different tools in rebuilding this home. When I was stumped on how to fix something, I asked someone who knew, and learned from them. Today twenty years later, I own thirty five properties in Virginia. How did I get them all?? One at a time!

Dream #3. Learn how to fly an airplane.

My Purpose was to have some fun, and broaden my knowledge of airplanes. I had spent thirteen years in the Air Force whetting my appetite for this.

My Plan Use the GI Bill for my flying lessons. Uncle Sam paid for most of my lessons, and I obtained my private license, my commercial license, my instrument rating, my multi-engine rating and my flight instructor's rating.

My perseverance. I studied the books hard, and went to the training school every day for over a year. I would absorb all I could from my instructors. I subscribed to many flight magazines and studied many articles. Especially the ones about crashing. One of my most exciting days on earth was my first solo flight in an airplane.

Dream #4. Build my own Industrial Park.

My purpose was to have my own place to run my business and not have to pay someone else rent.

My plan was to get a set of plans drawn up and obtain bank financing to complete the project. Then I needed to find a place to build it.

My perseverance. Fear again took over, and my inexperience of doing something like this slowed my progess. It took me two years after I had the plans before I started the wheels in motion.

Today many years later, the building is fully rented out, with a great positive cash flow, and during 2004, I sold the building for a million dollars, and financed it for twenty years, so now I receive the same income, without any of the rental headaches. The vision I had of other folks paying off the building has come true. One of the neat days in this project was inviting several friends over to the ground breaking ceremony. I even had some golden shovels for the job. (Spray painted)

Dream #5. This dream is in progress. Tidom Inc. Stands for Time Freedom.

My purpose. To help other folks learn from my experience in the business world and help them by exploring this wonderful opportunity. We hope you will gain a better understanding of how this works by visiting our personal website.

My plan is to team up with several men and women in promoting a very unique opportunity. It is an exciting program called Tidom and that lets you do this business anywhere in the world. It is a very unique opportunity created by some honest businessmen with many years of experience in this field.

My perseverance. Many of these programs have been around for years, but the developer of this unique opportunity has created a foolproof system to prosper you.

You may access the site at "Website presentation." Be sure and look at the twenty minute video. Be sure and look at the packages offered.

I have created a plan to help you by becoming my partner in this wonderful business opportunity. I am available to help you become successful in this great business opportunity. Please call 800-846-1655 Three minute explanation to whet your appetite. This is not MLM. No meetings. No calling friends and family. No storing products in your garage. We have 18 conference calls a week to help you learn and a great Skype room to ask questions. "My Partner is a Millionaire From Virginia."  If you are unhappy with your life and have an open mind, and are not afraid of hard work, then access this link and let me tell you how I can help you achieve success in this adventure.

Dreams can come true for you.

Jim Young
Call me right away if you want to join
with me in this exciting venture.

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