How to Stop Smoking!

Just Quit!

I hope I am not offending anyone, but smoking is very similar to any other sin that grips you. Most of us have one or two things in our lives that control us. Even if you do not smoke, read on, because this deals with other sins that drag us down.

We know we want to stop, but we find ourselves powerless against the strong desire that grips us. But if you have chosen to make Jesus Christ Lord of your life, then you must get your Bible and memorize this verse.

"For sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law, but under grace. Romans 6:14

My dear friends, either that verse works or it does not. If you choose to smoke or drink or chew, or go with girls that do (an old saying my Dad taught me many years ago), then you might as well take a razor blade and cut that verse out of your Bible.

It isn't working!

I have struggled with many sins over the last forty years. Some sins are won by fight and others are won by flight. You might want to read my article on the three ways to keep from sin 

There are two other areas I would like to mention in this article. Of course prayer plays a huge part in ridding our lives of sin. My article on prayer might give you more insight. 

The last area I will discuss involves accountability. Several years ago, this was an unknown principle that was ignored by most churches and ministries. But with the fast paced world, and instant access via the media to stories about failure, we have seen many great leaders stumble and fall.

Almost without exception, when you hear their story about falling into sin, they mention that they were not honest with their peers and mentors. They had failed in the area of being accountable to anyone. You may read my article about my personal experience with accountability if you wish. 

I will close with a personal story. Some time ago I was praying about whether "social drinking" of alcohol was something I should stop doing. From time to time, I would consume an alcoholic beverage. I had started this practice when I lived in Germany for seven years. In some cultures, alcohol does not carry the same stigma as it does in America.

But although the Bible does not tell believers to not drink alcohol socially, it is very clear about the problem of causing others to stumble. We do not live as hermits, but our lives are exposed to family, friends and co-workers each day.

So one of the great controversies in the Christain church today is whether social drinking is right or wrong. It must be a matter of individual choice whether you do this or not.

I do know that I have had very lively discussions with many spiritual leaders about this. If alcohol is causing you problems in your job or in your family, the handwriting is already on the wall. Ask God for his direction and strength. Memorize Romans 6:14, ask a friend to hold you accountable, whether it be smoking; drinking; gambling, eating to much; pornography; sexual lust; adultery; lying or whatever else might grip your life today.

God is able to deliver you!

Remember Secret Sin Does Affect Other People! 

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