What is the advantage that I have over many folks in the world?Some would say it is because of my age and experience in the business world. Many folks perceive that I have it made and never have any problems with any of the things that I do. That is a big mistake to think like that. I owned 42 rental properties in Virginia, and time after time I chat with folks with one or two rentals and they detail the nightmares of ownership of these rentals, and the renters they have to deal with in rent collections, destroyed property and the such.I have literally had folks give me their properties if I just assumed the loan, and eliminated the headaches that the properties were causing them. I can recount many nightmare stories of skipped tenants who left the house in such a mess that I was greatly discouraged. I am still trying to learn not to be a nice guy, but I fall back into that mold time after time, as folks take advantage of me and do not pay on time, if at all. Some folks move in, with the idea of never paying the rent, and know that they can string me out with the court system for several months, before they have to leave. ***In June 2002, Carleton Sheets included me in a video infomercial on real estate investing. Bella Shaw, former CNN anchor is interviewing me. They shot about 6 hours of video, but only put about two minutes on tape. Of course they only included the good things, and left out the horror stories. You can read them here. Click on the link below on "Debt Freedom".*** The construction world is a nightmare right now. When I first wrote this article in 2004,there used to be too much work and too little skilled craftsmen to handle the glut of work. Some of the folks that I hire to do a job are not qualified to work on custom homes, which is my specialty. Some time ago, spent over two weeks repairing work that I had contracted to others to do, which was not up to my standards. It was very frustrating to say the least. And the worst part about it, is that it is not going to get any better. Almost every subcontractor in every trade is crying for help, and young people are not paying the price to learn the trades. Craftsmanship and quality are declining in homes and leaving a wake of frustrated builders and homeowners, not to speak of sub contractors who are under extreme pressure to perform quickly and efficiently. Now back in 2010, it was just the opposite. Construction of new homes has ceased around our area and in most of the county. We do not know how long this will last. But I doubt it will ever come back like it was. ---> No, much property and a thriving business does not give me an advantage over you! Well, what about finances. You think that just because I am a millionaire means that I have no money worries. As I stated in another article, on "How to Make a Million Dollars" there are three ways to do that. One, you win the lottery. Two, you inherit it. Three you work for it! I am in the last category. Most of my wealth is tied up in real estate. And if I need some instant cash for something, I cannot go down to one of my properties and break off a corner of the building, and turn it into cash. The banks now require so much paperwork to get a loan on property, that it almost discourages me from going that rout. And to make matters worse, several years ago, I had a ruptured bowel, knee surgery, and a broken arm in four places in a ski accident, in the space of 3 months. This set me back financially, and I could not function in taking care of my drywall business and real estate business, and when the dust settled about 2 years later, and the 62 stitches in my belly were healed up, I found myself deeply in debt. I owed over six figures to various lines of credit, credit card companies, and business accounts and was very frustrated since when I got behind on the bills, the banks and credit folks, would not loan me any money on my real estate, even though I had over two million in equity in the property. It was a trying time to say the least, but I was able to recover and pay off all those bills, and now I operate strictly on a cash basis. I do not charge anything anywhere now, and this is my plan for the rest of my life. It gives a real sense of freedom. I tore up all the credit cards except one, to use for emergencies, and car rentals and things like that. But I pay it off every month, and have not paid any finance charges on it for over two years.During July 2001, I combined this learning experience into a web page to help you get completely out of debt. I certainly hope you will take the time to read this labor of love that I have shared with the world. This service is free. No hidden costs. Debt Freedom-A Complete Guide to help you achieve Freedom from Financial Bondage ---> No, money does not give me an advantage over you!Well then what is the Supreme Advantage that I have over many folks. It can best be summed up with a quote from my favorite Bible verse. Philippians 3:8 from the Amplified Bible. "Yes, furthermore, I count every thing as loss, compared to the possession of the priceless privilege, the overwhelming preciousness, the surpassing worth and Supreme Advantage of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, and of progressively becoming more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, of perceiving and recognizing and understanding Him more fully and clearly. For His sake I have lost everything, and consider it all to be mere rubbish (refuse, dregs), in order that I might win (gain) Christ the anointed one." This verse has changed my life, and my thinking. I memorized it in 1961 while stationed in the Air Force in Germany. As a young man in my early 20's, I was challenged by a Christian group of believers, at a Navigator run Christian Serviceman's Center in Bitburg, Germany, to memorize the Bible on a regular basis. I began with the Topical Memory System published by the Navigator Organization, (you can order it at the link below) and have continued to memorize and review to this day over 50+ years later. Those early verses that I hid in my heart have rescued me hundred's of times as the enemy has tried to sidetrack me and cause me to fail in my walk with God. Yes, I have fallen many times but Psalm 37:23,24 states "though a man fall ...the Lord upholds him". This verse is my life verse, and there is so much theology in this verse that I could write a book about it.I will just make a few comments here. My priority in life is not real estate, not construction, and not the internet business. I consider these things means to the end result of knowing Jesus Christ as a personal friend. You will notice that the verse states "progressively becoming". As a young man, I figured by the time I reached age 78 I would have all the answers. How wrong I was. I feel I am just beginning to understand God and how He works. Some times I believe I am just beginning my journey and not nearing the end of it. "Deeply and intimately acquainted with Him". A deep relationship with anyone, only comes as you spend time with that person. Many times in my life I have been sidetracked and spent my time building on things that will not even matter in eternity. Houses, lands, cars, trucks, money in the bank, will not mean anything one second after I die, and stand before the King of Kings and Lord or Lords. As the old gospel song goes, "Only what is done for Christ will last."So as I enter the remaining years of my life, I have renewed again my desire to invest my life with people. There are only two things that will last for eternity. The Word of God and the souls of people. I have made the choice to invest in those two things. John Wooden, the great basketball coach once said. "It's what you learn after you know it all that counts." If one person comes up to me in eternity in heaven and says, "Jim I listened to what you had to say and the testimony of the Word of God, and today I am in heaven with you, because I gave my life to Christ in 1999", then it will be worth all the labor I have put into this.Last thing I want to say about this verse is tied in with Philippians 3:10. Paul states that he wants to know Christ and the power of His resurrection. Now that sounds pretty neat. Wow, all that power is available to me. But read on my friend. It further states "sharing in His sufferings" and "becoming like Him in His death". Whoa!! I don't know if I want to sign up for that part of it! Suffering and death do not sound like a lot of fun. I thought this Christian life was a "bowl of cherries"? No, my friend. Really knowing God is partaking of all He went through for us. Why did God design it that way. Because when we have walked through the "Valley of the Shadow of death", we can walk through it with someone else. We have been there. We came through it, and the real joy of life, is helping others through their trials and problems. As John wrote of his spiritual children in 2nd John 4 and 3rd John 4, he stated that his greatest joy was seeing his (spiritual) children walk in the truth. So in closing this chapter of my life, I have three choices. Believe it and act upon it. Do not believe it, and reject it. Or just ignore the Word of God and maybe it will not happen.I have chosen the first one.Your Friend,Jim Young Want to help reach the world for Christ? Forward this site to a friend. Matthew 28:18-20 Order the Navigator Topical Memory System and change your life forever Discipleship Challenge for you JesusLovesMeThisIKnow.com MillionaireInMotion.com Let me show you how two customers can generate $80,000 plus yearly income. Email Link-Ceofort500@aol.comIf you would like to subscribe to receive new pages I write, just send me an email and request to be added to the mailing list. Some Other Pages From My Web Site
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