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My debt freedom date was September 30, 2004. I set in motion several things to make that happen, including buying and selling some real estate. At that time we had all credit cards and store accounts and all vehicles completely paid up. We will still have mortgages on rental property and our personal home, but these will be paid by the existing renters of the property. They will be paying these loans down and we have several properties all paid for on the rental program, that will take care of any vacancies we might have in the future. Yes, it is possible to become debt free. Most people can do it in seven years or less by following a plan that has been developed by financial planners. Your only criteria for implementing this plan, is to change two things in your mind. 1. Determine that you are going to stick with the plan, no matter what. 2. Decide to change your thinking about what you do with excess money once you pay off a bill. |
Now for a radical change in your thinking you must learn to operate on a cash basis only. When I first heard this concept I winced, since I had charge accounts all over town for my building and real estate business. I also remember the agony of opening up those end of the month bills, and in most cases, I was surprised how large they were. I expected a ten thousand dollar construction bill at Lowe's and it was thirteen thousand. Time flies during the month and we are busy folks. Most of us do not do a running check on our charges. Then when it comes time to pay, we have to bite the bullet. Yes, it is convenient to use. Yes it makes part of our life easier, but I remember several years ago when I paid off the last building supply account, I was totally relieved. Now most of my suppliers trust me, and if one of my employees needs some material, and I am not near, they will usually give them what they need, and I will go by later and pay them with a check. If I do not have money in the bank, I do not buy it. Period! Read other articles I have written on the Christian Life  |
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Financial bondage has attacked the world. Especially in America where credit is to easy to obtain. Most folks have 2 or more credit cards, a furniture payment, his and hers car payments and a home mortgage. Many folks have saddled themselves with so many debts, that they continue to borrow and charge far beyond their means to pay back the borrowed money. The pressure that this causes on family relationships, has destroyed many families, as both parents are hard pressed to work one or two jobs to pay the bills. Children are being raised by others as we attempt to fulfil the "American Dream" of home ownerships. This website is dedicated to help you out of this horrible trap. The content is free and the information in this site is freely available to anyone in the world. You may copy it, print it out, teach others the principles and use it anyway you see fit. I have not arrived, and do not claim to be the master of debt freedom, but I am on the journey, the same as you, and share my success and failure and some real practical ways to rid ourselves of debt. |
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Pounding away at your debt!